Forced to Kill 1994

Action Thriller

Johnny is a very good fighter and thus sheriff Wilson wants him to fight in one of his illegal fights. So Wilson kidnaps Johnny and drills him to become a fighting machine.

Tutti i titoli
  • US: Forced to Kill Forced to Kill
  • BR: Jornada Mortal Jornada Mortal
  • BG: Принуден да убива Принуден да убива
  • FR: Dans la gueule du loup Dans la gueule du loup
  • HU: Modern gladiátor Modern gladiátor
  • IT: Costretto ad uccidere Costretto ad uccidere
  • RO: Obligat sa ucida Obligat sa ucida
  • RU: Человек, которого заставили убивать Человек, которого заставили убивать
  • ES: Obligado a matar Obligado a matar
Data di rilascio 18 May 1994
Link IMDb
